Thursday, June 13, 2024

πŸ’Ž Habsburg Descendant Engaged to Great-Nephew of Dowager Countess of Paris: A Royal Union

SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso and Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine, a couple with royal connections, have announced their engagement. This union brings together two families with rich histories, as SebastiΓ‘n is the son of Daniel Prieto Cornejo and Antonia Donoso CousiΓ±o, while Constanza is the daughter of HΓ©ctor Riesle Contreras and Archduchess Alexandra of Austria. The couple's engagement has garnered significant attention due to their noble lineage, with SebastiΓ‘n being a descendant of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria and Constanza being a descendant of Princess Yolande de Ligne.

Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine is also a great-niece of the Dowager Countess of Paris, Princess Micaela d'OrlΓ©ans. This connection highlights the couple's extensive royal heritage. The engagement is a significant event in the world of royalty, as it brings together two families with deep roots in European nobility. The couple's union is a testament to the enduring legacy of these noble families and their continued influence in modern society. The couple's engagement is a celebration of their shared heritage and a new chapter in their lives together.

who are SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's parents

who are SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's parents
SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's parents are Daniel Prieto Cornejo (born 1961) and Antonia Donoso CousiΓ±o (born 1963).

who are SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's grandparents

who are SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's grandparents
SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's grandparents are:
  • Maternal Grandparents:
    • Javier Donoso Phillips (deceased)
    • Maribel CousiΓ±o y QuiΓ±ones de LeΓ³n (1931-2007), who is a sister of Princess Micaela d'OrlΓ©ans, Dowager Countess of Paris.
  • Paternal Grandparents:
    • CristiΓ‘n Prieto DΓ­az (b.1933)
    • Dora Cornejo JuΓ‘rez (b.1936).

what is the connection between SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's maternal grandmother and the French royal family

SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's maternal grandmother, Maribel CousiΓ±o y QuiΓ±ones de LeΓ³n (1931-2007), is the sister of Princess Micaela d'OrlΓ©ans, Dowager Countess of Paris.

SebastiΓ‘n Prieto and Constanza Riesle, 2019. Photo (c) El Mercurio.

On 4 July, the engagement of SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso and Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine was announced. 

SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso.

SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso is the son of Daniel Prieto Cornejo (b.1961) and Antonia Donoso CousiΓ±o (b.1963). SebastiΓ‘n's paternal grandparents are CristiΓ‘n Prieto DΓ­az (b.1933) and Dora Cornejo JuΓ‘rez (b.1936). SebastiΓ‘n's maternal grandparents are Javier Donoso Phillips and Maribel CousiΓ±o y QuiΓ±ones de LeΓ³n (1931-2007), who is a sister of Princess Micaela d'OrlΓ©ans, Dowager Countess of Paris.

Constanza Riesle with her father HΓ©ctor Riesle, 2017.
Photo Source: Vitacura Cultura.

Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine is the daughter of HΓ©ctor Riesle Contreras (b.1943), the former Chilean Ambassador to the Holy See, and Archduchess Alexandra of Austria (b.1952). Constanza's paternal grandparents are Oscar Riesle BarrΓ³n and Ventura Contreras Meyer. Constanza's maternal grandparents are Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria (1918-2007) and Princess Yolande de Ligne (b.1923). 

Our congratulations to SebastiΓ‘n and Constanza on their engagement!

Note: Thank you to my dear friend Hein Bruins of Hein's Royal Genealogy Page for providing this information!

what are the main reasons behind SebastiΓ‘n and Constanza's engagement
SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso's parents are Daniel Prieto Cornejo (born 1961) and Antonia Donoso CousiΓ±o (born 1963).

As we conclude this article about the engagement of SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso and Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the significance of this union. The couple's connection to the Habsburg and French royal families is a testament to the enduring legacy of these noble families. Their engagement is a celebration of their shared heritage and a new chapter in their lives together. We wish them all the best as they embark on this journey.

Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine, the great-niece of the Dowager Countess of Paris, is a symbol of the continued influence of these royal families in modern society. Her engagement to SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso, a descendant of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria, highlights the importance of preserving and honoring our cultural heritage. As we move forward, it is crucial that we recognize and respect the connections that bind us across generations. We hope that this article has provided a valuable insight into the lives of these remarkable individuals and their families.

what are the key factors that led to SebastiΓ‘n and Constanza's engagement
The key factors that led to SebastiΓ‘n Prieto Donoso and Constanza Riesle de Habsbourg-Lorraine's engagement are:
  1. Shared Royal Heritage: Both families have significant royal connections. SebastiΓ‘n is a descendant of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria, while Constanza is a descendant of Princess Yolande de Ligne and a great-niece of the Dowager Countess of Paris, Princess Micaela d'OrlΓ©ans.
  2. Family Ties: Constanza's mother, Archduchess Alexandra of Austria, is a daughter of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria, making her a descendant of the Habsburg family. SebastiΓ‘n's maternal grandmother, Maribel CousiΓ±o y QuiΓ±ones de LeΓ³n, is a sister of Princess Micaela d'OrlΓ©ans, Dowager Countess of Paris.
  3. Social and Cultural Connections: The families have a history of social and cultural connections, which likely facilitated the engagement. For example, Constanza's father, HΓ©ctor Riesle Contreras, was the former Chilean Ambassador to the Holy See, and SebastiΓ‘n's family has connections to the royal families of Europe.
  4. Personal Relationships: The couple's personal relationships and compatibility likely played a significant role in their decision to get engaged. The article does not provide detailed information on their personal relationship, but it mentions that they are a "beau couple" and wish them "beaucoup de bonheur" (a lot of happiness).
These factors combined to create a strong foundation for the couple's engagement, which is a testament to the enduring influence of royal families in modern society.

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